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O que é E-A-T: Understanding Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines

Google’s search algorithms are constantly evolving to provide users with the most relevant and trustworthy information. One important concept that has gained prominence in recent years is E-E-A-T, which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This framework helps search engines evaluate the quality and reliability of online content.

E-E-A-T has become increasingly important for website owners and content creators looking to improve their search engine rankings. By focusing on these factors, websites can demonstrate their credibility and provide valuable information to users. This article will explore the concept of E-E-A-T and how it impacts search engine optimization strategies.

What is E-E-A-T?

E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. Google uses these criteria to assess online content quality and reliability. These factors help decide which pages are most useful and deserve higher rankings in search results.

Google added the first “E” for Experience in November 2022, updating the original E-A-T concept from 2019. This change aims to improve user satisfaction by considering more impact factors.

Experience refers to the content creator’s practical knowledge of the topic. Google values content written by people with direct, personal experience in the subject. This can add depth and authenticity to the material.

Expertise relates to the author’s technical or academic background in the field. Qualified professionals tend to produce more accurate and reliable content, especially for complex topics.

Authority evaluates the recognition of the author or website in their field. It’s built through credentials, respected publications, and the community’s perception of the author or site’s reputation.

Trustworthiness measures how much users can rely on the author and content. Transparent publishing practices, accurate information, and honest presentation build trust.

Why Does E-E-A-T Matter?

Google developed E-E-A-T to ensure search results display relevant content created by authors with proven knowledge. This approach aims to combat practices like keyword stuffing without topic mastery, which can harm user experience.

By adding “Experience” in 2022, Google promotes higher quality materials written by true experts. This improves content usefulness for users and increases the chances of appearing on the first pages of search results.

E-E-A-T helps Google identify and reward content that offers real value to readers. It encourages creators to focus on quality, accuracy, and expertise rather than just optimizing for keywords.

For website owners and content creators, understanding E-E-A-T is key to improving online visibility. It means creating content that showcases expertise, builds authority, and earns trust from both users and search engines.

To align with E-E-A-T principles, content should:

  • Be written by people with hands-on experience
  • Include expert insights and analysis
  • Cite credible sources and research
  • Provide clear, accurate, and up-to-date information
  • Build a strong online reputation through quality content

E-E-A-T is not a direct ranking factor, but it guides Google’s algorithms in assessing content quality. Websites that demonstrate these qualities are more likely to perform well in search rankings over time.

What is YMYL?

YMYL stands for Your Money or Your Life. Google uses this concept in its ranking evaluations to classify the quality and relevance of web pages on sensitive topics. The search engine recognizes that certain information online can affect users’ physical, financial, and emotional well-being.

YMYL content covers important areas like health, finance, news, law, investments, and safety. Google places extra emphasis on these topics due to their potential impact on people’s lives and society as a whole.

For websites with YMYL content, it’s crucial to follow E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) best practices. This helps ensure the information provided is accurate, reliable, and beneficial to users.

Google’s search algorithms give more weight to content that shows strong E-E-A-T signals, especially for YMYL topics. This means websites need to demonstrate their credibility and authority in these sensitive areas.

When users search for YMYL topics using Google’s Search Generative Experience, they see a special notice. This alert reminds them to be cautious about the information they find on these important subjects.

E-E-A-T Best Practices for YMYL Content

To create high-quality YMYL content that meets E-E-A-T standards, follow these guidelines:

Medical Content:

  • Include the author’s medical license number
  • Provide the author’s educational background
  • List scientific references to support claims

News Articles:

  • Follow standard journalism practices
  • Highlight any awards or recognition
  • Use bylines from respected journalists

Legal Information:

  • Show the author’s bar association number
  • Include the lawyer’s educational background
  • Cite relevant laws and supporting materials

For all YMYL content:

  1. Use clear, factual language
  2. Avoid making exaggerated claims
  3. Update information regularly
  4. Link to trustworthy sources
  5. Provide author bios and credentials

Finance and Investment Content:

  • Include disclaimers about financial risks
  • Cite reputable financial sources
  • Show the author’s qualifications in finance

Safety Information:

  • Use data from official safety organizations
  • Provide step-by-step safety instructions
  • Link to emergency resources when needed

By following these practices, websites can improve their chances of ranking well for YMYL topics. This helps ensure that users find accurate and helpful information on important subjects that can affect their lives.

Remember, YMYL content requires extra care and attention. Always strive to provide the most up-to-date, accurate, and helpful information possible. This not only helps with search rankings but also serves the best interests of your audience.

Features of High and Low Quality Pages

High Quality Page Characteristics

Good pages have expert, trustworthy content. They offer lots of useful information. The writing is clear and accurate. These pages tell you who runs the site. For shopping sites, they have good customer service info. The site has a good reputation online.

Pages use HTTPS for security. They have privacy policies to protect users. The content matches what people search for. Grammar and spelling are correct.

High quality pages look professional. They work well on phones and computers. Pages load quickly and don’t have annoying ads. Links go to other good sites.

The people who make the content know their stuff. They back up claims with proof. Good pages get updated when needed. They answer common questions thoroughly.

Low Quality Page Characteristics

Bad pages have unreliable info. The writing is sloppy or wrong. You can’t tell who made the content. There’s no way to contact anyone for help.

These pages may trick people with shocking titles. Ads get in the way of reading. The site has a bad reputation online.

Low quality pages often copy content from elsewhere. They might use AI to make tons of articles without editing. The info doesn’t help readers much.

Bad pages try to cheat search rankings. They might buy old websites just to post junk. The content has nothing to do with what people search for.

These pages feel sketchy or untrustworthy. They may ask for personal info without explaining why. The design looks unprofessional or outdated.

Low quality pages often have broken links. They load slowly or crash. The content is too short or doesn’t say anything useful.

The Importance of Author E-E-A-T in Content

E-E-A-T stands for Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It’s a key factor in content quality, especially for authors. Good E-E-A-T helps readers trust the information they’re reading.

Authors with strong E-E-A-T have deep knowledge in their field. They’ve often worked in the area for many years. This real-world experience adds value to their writing. Readers can feel confident that the information comes from a reliable source.

For example, a doctor writing about health topics brings more credibility than a general writer. Their medical training and patient care experience make their content more trustworthy. The same goes for other fields like finance, law, or technology.

Content creators face a challenge. They need to blend expert knowledge with good writing skills. One solution is to pair subject matter experts with skilled writers. The experts provide the technical know-how. The writers make the content engaging and easy to read.

Here’s how this partnership can work:

  1. Expert interview: The subject expert shares key insights
  2. Writer drafts: The content creator turns these insights into readable text
  3. Expert review: The specialist checks for accuracy
  4. Final edit: The writer polishes the content for style and SEO

This method ensures content is both accurate and reader-friendly. It also helps meet search engine guidelines for quality content.

Highlighting author credentials is important too. Readers want to know who’s behind the information. Including an author bio with relevant qualifications builds trust. Links to professional profiles can further boost credibility.

Author E-E-A-T ElementsWhy It Matters
ExpertiseShows deep subject knowledge
ExperienceProves practical understanding
AuthoritativenessIndicates respect in the field
TrustworthinessBuilds reader confidence

Good E-E-A-T isn’t just for academic or technical topics. Even lifestyle or entertainment content benefits from author expertise. A travel writer with years of global adventures will likely produce more insightful articles than someone who’s never left their hometown.

Search engines aim to provide users with the most reliable information. They look for signals of author E-E-A-T when ranking content. This means websites that prioritize author expertise often see better search performance.

For businesses and content creators, focusing on author E-E-A-T is a smart strategy. It leads to higher quality content that readers and search engines both value. Over time, this approach can help build a strong online reputation and audience trust.

How Algorithms Measure E-E-A-T

Author Mentions

Algorithms likely consider author credibility when assessing E-E-A-T. They may look at backlinks from trusted sources and expert mentions related to the author’s field. When searching for an author online, finding consistent evidence of their expertise boosts their authority. Search engines tend to favor experienced professionals with solid reputations.

Algorithms can potentially distinguish between organic and paid mentions. A respected journalist’s mention carries more weight than a general contributor’s. This helps ensure authentic expertise is recognized.

Scientific Evidence

Search engines emphasize the importance of backing up content with scientific evidence and widely accepted data, especially for YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) sites covering critical topics like health and finance.

Using specific data from academic publications, official bodies, and other reliable sources increases content credibility. For example, instead of saying “electric car sales are growing in Brazil,” it’s better to state: “According to the Electric Vehicle Association report, electric vehicle sales in 2023 grew 50% compared to the same period in 2022.”

Citing trustworthy and accurate sources is key to building and maintaining content authority in search results.


Serious, long-term focused companies often review their content, fixing errors and updating information to provide users with the best experience. This practice is likely valued by search engines.

Annual reviews of lists like “Best Newsletters” or “Social Media Trends” help keep information relevant and accurate. This process involves checking the relevance of listed items and updating outdated data, such as studies from 2017 that no longer reflect current reality.

It’s important to note that updates should be meaningful. Simply changing the date without improving content quality or accuracy is not enough. The need for updates should be based on the content’s quality and truthfulness.

Company Reputation

While it’s hard to pinpoint exactly how search engines assess company reputation, they likely use various data sources and intelligence to form a comprehensive picture.

Factors considered may include:

  • Mentions in trusted news outlets
  • Customer comments on social media
  • Reviews on third-party platforms
  • Industry awards and recognition
  • Partnerships with respected organizations
  • Involvement in community or charitable initiatives

Search engines aim to gauge a company’s overall standing in its industry and among customers. This helps ensure that high-quality, reputable sources are prioritized in search results.

Table: Potential Reputation Factors

| Factor                   | Example                                      |
| Media Mentions           | Feature in a major business publication      |
| Customer Feedback        | Positive reviews on social media platforms   |
| Industry Recognition     | Winning a prestigious sector-specific award  |
| Partnerships             | Collaboration with a well-known university   |
| Community Engagement     | Sponsoring local events or charity work      |

By looking at these various aspects, search algorithms can form a more complete picture of a company’s reputation and expertise in its field. This multi-faceted approach helps ensure that users are directed to trustworthy and authoritative sources when searching for information online.

How to Improve E-E-A-T?

Get Positive Reviews

Customer feedback plays a crucial role in shaping a business’s online reputation. Search engines consider reviews from various sources to gauge public sentiment. Positive feedback across multiple platforms can boost a brand’s credibility. While occasional negative reviews are normal, consistently poor ratings may signal underlying issues that need addressing.

Businesses should aim for a higher volume of positive reviews compared to competitors. This indicates stronger market recognition and customer satisfaction. Regular monitoring of online feedback helps identify areas for improvement and maintain a positive brand image.

Secure Wikipedia Mentions

Getting mentioned on Wikipedia can significantly enhance a brand’s perceived authority. Search engines value references from this widely-recognized platform. While creating a dedicated Wikipedia page is challenging, it’s not impossible for notable entities.

To qualify for a Wikipedia page, businesses must meet specific criteria:

  • Verifiable information
  • Significant coverage from reliable sources

Alternatively, securing mentions within existing Wikipedia articles can also boost authority. However, caution is necessary when editing to avoid self-promotion that could lead to removal.

Earn High-Authority Mentions

Gaining mentions from reputable websites is a key aspect of building authority online. Search engines prioritize citations from trusted news outlets and major content platforms. These mentions carry more weight than paid links or guest posts.

Strategies to earn high-quality mentions include:

  • Publishing original research
  • Summarizing recent scientific findings
  • Networking with journalists on social media
  • Building offline connections with industry experts

Deliver Excellent User Experience

A website’s user experience directly impacts its E-E-A-T rating. Key factors include:

  • Fast loading times
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Accessibility for all users

Optimizing these elements not only improves user satisfaction but also enhances search engine performance. A seamless user experience contributes to higher engagement and better overall site rankings.

Generate Forum Mentions

Genuine discussions about a brand in online forums can boost its E-E-A-T score. Search engines can distinguish between authentic conversations and artificial marketing efforts. Natural mentions in forums demonstrate real user interest and engagement with a brand.

Monitoring brand mentions across various platforms helps businesses understand their online reputation. This insight allows for targeted improvements in products or services, potentially leading to increased positive discussions.

Build Trust

Trust is a fundamental component of E-E-A-T. Websites that prioritize user safety and provide accurate information tend to rank higher. Some factors that can negatively impact trust include:

  • Numerous negative online comments
  • Unresolved customer complaints
  • Lack of scientific references in medical articles
  • Claims contradicting established scientific consensus

Addressing these issues can significantly improve a site’s trustworthiness and, consequently, its search rankings.

Showcase E-E-A-T on Your Website

While external factors heavily influence E-E-A-T, on-site optimization remains crucial. Businesses should clearly demonstrate their expertise, experience, and trustworthiness throughout their website content.

Some effective ways to highlight E-E-A-T include:

  • Detailed “About Us” pages
  • Staff biographies showcasing qualifications
  • Client testimonials and case studies
  • Quality content with proper citations
  • Clear contact information and customer support options

Implementing these elements helps reinforce a brand’s credibility to both users and search engines. Consistently producing high-quality, well-optimized content further strengthens a site’s E-E-A-T signals.

By focusing on these areas, businesses can improve their E-E-A-T ratings, potentially leading to better search rankings and increased online visibility. Remember that building authority and trust is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and dedication to quality.

Expertise, Experience, Authority, and Trust: Your Content Needs More Attention

The Link Between E-E-A-T and the Helpful Content System

Google’s updates aim to boost user experience by promoting original, valuable content. The search giant focuses on delivering quality results to its users, especially in niches like health, news, finance, law, taxes, and education.

To maintain or improve search rankings, websites must show they are true experts in their fields. This means creating content that:

  • Targets a specific audience
  • Focuses on a main topic or niche
  • Solves problems or informs readers
  • Prioritizes users over search engines

The Helpful Content System, launched in December 2022, identifies useful and authentic content. It works alongside E-E-A-T to rank relevant results. Since then, Google has made several core updates to stress these factors.

AI-generated content is allowed, but its impact on users matters most. Google values content from specialists that improves user experience. In-depth articles tend to rank higher, while shallow content may be penalized.

To succeed, content creators should:

  1. Define a clear target audience
  2. Specialize in a specific topic
  3. Provide satisfying experiences for users
  4. Focus on people, not search algorithms

Creating trust is key. Websites that show expertise and authority in their niche are more likely to gain organic traffic. This requires:

  • Well-researched, accurate information
  • Content written by subject experts
  • Regular updates to keep information current
  • Clear sources and references

Engagement also plays a role. Content that keeps users on the page and encourages interaction may rank better. This can include:

  • Helpful visuals like charts or infographics
  • Easy-to-read formatting with headings and lists
  • Interactive elements when appropriate
  • Answers to common questions in the niche

For niche websites, it’s crucial to:

  1. Demonstrate deep knowledge
  2. Provide unique insights
  3. Address specific user needs
  4. Build a reputation as a trusted source

By focusing on these aspects, websites can improve their E-E-A-T signals and align with the Helpful Content System. This approach can lead to better rankings and more organic traffic over time.

AI and EEAT: Understanding the Connection

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool in content creation, but it’s not a replacement for human expertise. Google’s search algorithms have evolved to favor content that is trustworthy, relevant, and connects with users. This is where the concept of EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) comes into play.

AI can help streamline the content creation process, but it needs human oversight to truly meet EEAT standards. Skilled professionals are essential for critical thinking and fact-checking to ensure the information is accurate and relevant to the target audience.

A new trend called Generative Engine Optimization (GEO) has emerged. This involves strategies to appear as a source in responses provided by generative engines like Google SGE, Gemini, and Bard Chat. These engines can generate answers from multiple sources to respond to user queries.

GEO strategies are closely tied to EEAT best practices. Applying these strategies can help not only with traditional SEO but also with appearing in responses from generative engines.

AI has undeniable power. It can optimize workflows and quickly find answers, including synthesized views from multiple sources. But to create content that truly resonates with users and meets EEAT criteria, human input remains irreplaceable.

Content creators with years of experience believe that while AI brings endless possibilities and can work alongside professionals and brands, content originality remains the most important factor for users. Only the human eye can organize, direct, and develop information in a precise and relevant way for the audience.

To achieve top Google rankings even after recent updates, it’s crucial to work with specialized writers. These professionals can help ensure your content meets EEAT standards and connects with your target audience.

Human-AI collaboration is key in content creation. AI can assist with research, generate ideas, and help with initial drafts. But human writers bring creativity, empathy, and the ability to tailor content to specific audiences. This combination can lead to high-quality, engaging content that meets both user needs and search engine requirements.

[Table: AI vs. Human Content Creation]

Data ProcessingExcellentLimited
Contextual UnderstandingImprovingStrong
EEAT AlignmentNeeds OversightNatural

By leveraging both AI and human expertise, content creators can produce material that is not only informative and relevant but also aligns with EEAT guidelines. This approach can help websites rank better in search results and provide genuine value to readers.

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